

class fastNLP.core.batch.Batch(dataset, batch_size, sampler, as_numpy=False)[source]

Batch is an iterable object which iterates over mini-batches.


for batch_x, batch_y in Batch(data_set, batch_size=16, sampler=SequentialSampler()):
    # ...
  • dataset (DataSet) – a DataSet object
  • batch_size (int) – the size of the batch
  • sampler (Sampler) – a Sampler object
  • as_numpy (bool) – If True, return Numpy array. Otherwise, return torch tensors.


class fastNLP.core.dataset.DataSet(data=None)[source]

DataSet is the collection of examples. DataSet provides instance-level interface. You can append and access an instance of the DataSet. However, it stores data in a different way: Field-first, Instance-second.

add_field(name, fields, padding_val=0, is_input=False, is_target=False)[source]

Add a new field to the DataSet.

  • name (str) – the name of the field.
  • fields – a list of int, float, or other objects.
  • padding_val (int) – integer for padding.
  • is_input (bool) – whether this field is model input.
  • is_target (bool) – whether this field is label or target.

Add an instance to the DataSet. If the DataSet is not empty, the instance must have the same field names as the rest instances in the DataSet.

Parameters:ins – an Instance object
apply(func, new_field_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Apply a function to every instance of the DataSet.

  • func – a function that takes an instance as input.
  • new_field_name (str) – If not None, results of the function will be stored as a new field.
  • **kwargs

    Accept parameters will be (1) is_input: boolean, will be ignored if new_field is None. If True, the new field will be as input. (2) is_target: boolean, will be ignored if new_field is None. If True, the new field will be as target.

Return results:

if new_field_name is not passed, returned values of the function over all instances.


Delete a field based on the field name.

Parameters:name – the name of the field to be deleted.

Drop instances if a condition holds.

Parameters:func – a function that takes an Instance object as input, and returns bool. The instance will be dropped if the function returns True.

Return all the fields with their names.

Return field_arrays:
 the internal data structure of DataSet.

Get all field names with is_input as True.

Return field_names:
 a list of str

Fetch the length of the dataset.

Return length:

Get all field names with is_target as True.

Return field_names:
 a list of str
static load(path)[source]

Load a DataSet object from pickle.

Parameters:path (str) – the path to the pickle
Return data_set:
classmethod read_csv(csv_path, headers=None, sep=', ', dropna=True)[source]

Load data from a CSV file and return a DataSet object.

  • csv_path (str) – path to the CSV file
  • or Tuple[str] headers (List[str]) – headers of the CSV file
  • sep (str) – delimiter in CSV file. Default: “,”
  • dropna (bool) – If True, drop rows that have less entries than headers.
Return dataset:

the read data set

rename_field(old_name, new_name)[source]

Rename a field.

  • old_name (str) –
  • new_name (str) –

Save the DataSet object as pickle.

Parameters:path (str) – the path to the pickle
set_input(*field_name, flag=True)[source]

Set the input flag of these fields.

  • field_name – a sequence of str, indicating field names.
  • flag (bool) – Set these fields as input if True. Unset them if False.
set_target(*field_names, flag=True)[source]

Change the target flag of these fields.

  • field_names – a sequence of str, indicating field names
  • flag (bool) – Set these fields as target if True. Unset them if False.

Split the dataset into training and development(validation) set.

Parameters:dev_ratio (float) – the ratio of test set in all data.
Return (train_set, dev_set):
 train_set: the training set dev_set: the development set

Construct a data set from a list of sentences.

Parameters:sentences – list of list of str
Return dataset:a DataSet object


class fastNLP.core.fieldarray.FieldArray(name, content, padding_val=0, is_target=None, is_input=None)[source]

FieldArray is the collection of Instance``s of the same field. It is the basic element of ``DataSet class.

  • name (str) – the name of the FieldArray
  • content (list) – a list of int, float, str or np.ndarray, or a list of list of one, or a np.ndarray.
  • padding_val (int) – the integer for padding. Default: 0.
  • is_target (bool) – If True, this FieldArray is used to compute loss.
  • is_input (bool) – If True, this FieldArray is used to the model input.

Add a new item to the tail of FieldArray.

Parameters:val – int, float, str, or a list of one.

Fetch instances based on indices.

Parameters:indices – an int, or a list of int.


class fastNLP.core.instance.Instance(**fields)[source]

An Instance is an example of data. Example:

ins = Instance(field_1=[1, 1, 1], field_2=[2, 2, 2])
>>[1, 1, 1]
ins.add_field("field_3", [3, 3, 3])
Parameters:fields – a dict of (str: list).
add_field(field_name, field)[source]

Add a new field to the instance.

Parameters:field_name – str, the name of the field.


class fastNLP.core.losses.BCELoss(pred=None, target=None)[source]
class fastNLP.core.losses.CrossEntropyLoss(pred=None, target=None, padding_idx=-100)[source]
class fastNLP.core.losses.L1Loss(pred=None, target=None)[source]
class fastNLP.core.losses.LossBase[source]

Base class for all losses.

class fastNLP.core.losses.LossFunc(func, key_map=None, **kwargs)[source]

A wrapper of user-provided loss function.

class fastNLP.core.losses.LossInForward(loss_key='loss')[source]
class fastNLP.core.losses.NLLLoss(pred=None, target=None)[source]
fastNLP.core.losses.make_mask(lens, tar_len)[source]

To generate a mask over a sequence.

  • lens – list or LongTensor, [batch_size]
  • tar_len – int
Return mask:


fastNLP.core.losses.mask(predict, truth, **kwargs)[source]

To select specific elements from Tensor. This method calls squash().

  • predict – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len , tag_size]
  • truth – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len]
  • **kwargs

    extra arguments, kwargs[“mask”]: ByteTensor, [batch_size , max_len], the mask Tensor. The position that is 1 will be selected.

Return predict , truth:

predict & truth after processing

fastNLP.core.losses.squash(predict, truth, **kwargs)[source]

To reshape tensors in order to fit loss functions in PyTorch.

  • predict – Tensor, model output
  • truth – Tensor, truth from dataset
  • **kwargs

    extra arguments

Return predict , truth:

predict & truth after processing

fastNLP.core.losses.unpad(predict, truth, **kwargs)[source]

To process padded sequence output to get true loss.

  • predict – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len , tag_size]
  • truth – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len]
  • kwargs – kwargs[“lens”] is a list or LongTensor, with size [batch_size]. The i-th element is true lengths of i-th sequence.
Return predict , truth:

predict & truth after processing

fastNLP.core.losses.unpad_mask(predict, truth, **kwargs)[source]

To process padded sequence output to get true loss.

  • predict – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len , tag_size]
  • truth – Tensor, [batch_size , max_len]
  • kwargs – kwargs[“lens”] is a list or LongTensor, with size [batch_size]. The i-th element is true lengths of i-th sequence.
Return predict , truth:

predict & truth after processing


class fastNLP.core.metrics.AccuracyMetric(pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None)[source]

Accuracy Metric

evaluate(pred, target, seq_lens=None)[source]
  • pred – List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element’s shape can be: torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B, n_classes]), torch.Size([B, max_len]), torch.Size([B, max_len, n_classes])
  • target – List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element’s can be: torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B, max_len]), torch.Size([B, max_len])
  • seq_lens – List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element’s can be: None, None, torch.Size([B], torch.Size([B]). ignored if masks are provided.

Returns computed metric.

Parameters:reset (bool) – whether to recount next time.
Return evaluate_result:
 {“acc”: float}
class fastNLP.core.metrics.BMESF1PreRecMetric(b_idx=0, m_idx=1, e_idx=2, s_idx=3, pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None)[source]
按照BMES标注方式计算f1, precision, recall。由于可能存在非法tag,比如”BS”,所以需要用以下的表格做转换,cur_B意思是当前tag是B,
next_B意思是后一个tag是B。则cur_B=S,即将当前被predict是B的tag标为S;next_M=B, 即将后一个被predict是M的tag标为B | | next_B | next_M | next_E | next_S | end | |:-----:|:——-:|:--------:|:——–:|:-------:|:——-:| | start | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | - | | cur_B | cur_B=S | 合法 | 合法 | cur_B=S | cur_B=S | | cur_M | cur_M=E | 合法 | 合法 | cur_M=E | cur_M=E | | cur_E | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 | | cur_S | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 |
pred的形状应该为(batch_size, max_len) 或 (batch_size, max_len, 4)。 target形状为 (batch_size, max_len) seq_lens形状为 (batch_size, )
class fastNLP.core.metrics.MetricBase[source]

Base class for all metrics.

MetricBase handles validity check of its input dictionaries - pred_dict and target_dict. pred_dict is the output of forward() or prediction function of a model. target_dict is the ground truth from DataSet where is_target is set True. MetricBase will do the following type checks:

  1. whether self.evaluate has varargs, which is not supported.
  2. whether params needed by self.evaluate is not included in pred_dict, target_dict.
  3. whether params needed by self.evaluate duplicate in pred_dict, target_dict.
  4. whether params in pred_dict, target_dict are not used by evaluate.(Might cause warning)

Besides, before passing params into self.evaluate, this function will filter out params from output_dict and target_dict which are not used in self.evaluate. (but if **kwargs presented in self.evaluate, no filtering will be conducted.) However, in some cases where type check is not necessary, _fast_param_map will be used.

class fastNLP.core.metrics.SpanFPreRecMetric(tag_vocab, pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None, encoding_type='bio', ignore_labels=None, only_gross=True, f_type='micro', beta=1)[source]

在序列标注问题中,以span的方式计算F, pre, rec. 最后得到的metric结果为 {

‘f’: xxx, # 这里使用f考虑以后可以计算f_beta值 ‘pre’: xxx, ‘rec’:xxx

} 若only_gross=False, 即还会返回各个label的metric统计值

{ ‘f’: xxx, ‘pre’: xxx, ‘rec’:xxx, ‘f-label’: xxx, ‘pre-label’: xxx, ‘rec-label’:xxx, …


evaluate(pred, target, seq_lens)[source]

A lot of design idea comes from allennlp’s measure :param pred: :param target: :param seq_lens: :return:

fastNLP.core.metrics.accuracy_topk(y_true, y_prob, k=1)[source]

Compute accuracy of y_true matching top-k probable labels in y_prob.

  • y_true – ndarray, true label, [n_samples]
  • y_prob – ndarray, label probabilities, [n_samples, n_classes]
  • k – int, k in top-k
Returns acc:

accuracy of top-k

fastNLP.core.metrics.bio_tag_to_spans(tags, ignore_labels=None)[source]
  • tags – List[str],
  • ignore_labels – List[str], 在该list中的label将被忽略

List[Tuple[str, List[int, int]]]. [(label,[start, end])]

fastNLP.core.metrics.bmes_tag_to_spans(tags, ignore_labels=None)[source]
  • tags – List[str],
  • ignore_labels – List[str], 在该list中的label将被忽略

List[Tuple[str, List[int, int]]]. [(label,[start, end])]

fastNLP.core.metrics.pred_topk(y_prob, k=1)[source]

Return top-k predicted labels and corresponding probabilities.

  • y_prob – ndarray, size [n_samples, n_classes], probabilities on labels
  • k – int, k of top-k
Returns (y_pred_topk, y_prob_topk):

y_pred_topk: ndarray, size [n_samples, k], predicted top-k labels y_prob_topk: ndarray, size [n_samples, k], probabilities for top-k labels


class fastNLP.core.optimizer.Adam(lr=0.001, weight_decay=0, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, amsgrad=False, model_params=None)[source]
  • lr (float) – learning rate
  • weight_decay (float) –
  • model_params – a generator. E.g. model.parameters() for PyTorch models.
class fastNLP.core.optimizer.Optimizer(model_params, **kwargs)[source]
  • model_params – a generator. E.g. model.parameters() for PyTorch models.
  • kwargs – additional parameters.
class fastNLP.core.optimizer.SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0, model_params=None)[source]
  • lr (float) – learning rate. Default: 0.01
  • momentum (float) – momentum. Default: 0
  • model_params – a generator. E.g. model.parameters() for PyTorch models.


class fastNLP.core.predictor.Predictor[source]

An interface for predicting outputs based on trained models.

It does not care about evaluations of the model, which is different from Tester. This is a high-level model wrapper to be called by FastNLP. This class does not share any operations with Trainer and Tester. Currently, Predictor does not support GPU.

data_forward(network, x)[source]

Forward through network.

predict(network, data)[source]

Perform inference using the trained model.

  • network – a PyTorch model (cpu)
  • data – a DataSet object.

list of batch outputs


class fastNLP.core.sampler.BaseSampler[source]

The base class of all samplers.

Sub-classes must implement the __call__ method. __call__ takes a DataSet object and returns a list of int - the sampling indices.

class fastNLP.core.sampler.BucketSampler(num_buckets=10, batch_size=32, seq_lens_field_name='seq_lens')[source]
  • num_buckets (int) – the number of buckets to use.
  • batch_size (int) – batch size per epoch.
  • seq_lens_field_name (str) – the field name indicating the field about sequence length.
class fastNLP.core.sampler.RandomSampler[source]

Sample data in random permutation order.

class fastNLP.core.sampler.SequentialSampler[source]

Sample data in the original order.

fastNLP.core.sampler.convert_to_torch_tensor(data_list, use_cuda)[source]

Convert lists into (cuda) Tensors.

  • data_list – 2-level lists
  • use_cuda – bool, whether to use GPU or not
Return data_list:

PyTorch Tensor of shape [batch_size, max_seq_len]

fastNLP.core.sampler.k_means_1d(x, k, max_iter=100)[source]

Perform k-means on 1-D data.

  • x – list of int, representing points in 1-D.
  • k – the number of clusters required.
  • max_iter – maximum iteration
Return centroids:

numpy array, centroids of the k clusters assignment: numpy array, 1-D, the bucket id assigned to each example.

fastNLP.core.sampler.k_means_bucketing(lengths, buckets)[source]

Assign all instances into possible buckets using k-means, such that instances in the same bucket have similar lengths.

  • lengths – list of int, the length of all samples.
  • buckets – list of int. The length of the list is the number of buckets. Each integer is the maximum length threshold for each bucket (This is usually None.).
Return data:

2-level list

    [index_11, index_12, ...],  # bucket 1
    [index_21, index_22, ...],  # bucket 2

lengths – list of int, the lengths of all examples.

Return data:

2-level list

    [index_11, index_12, ...],  # bucket 1
    [index_21, index_22, ...],  # bucket 2


class fastNLP.core.tester.Tester(data, model, metrics, batch_size=16, use_cuda=False, verbose=1)[source]

An collection of model inference and evaluation of performance, used over validation/dev set and test set.

  • data (DataSet) – a validation/development set
  • model (torch.nn.modules.module) – a PyTorch model
  • metrics (MetricBase) – a metric object or a list of metrics (List[MetricBase])
  • batch_size (int) – batch size for validation
  • use_cuda (bool) – whether to use CUDA in validation.
  • verbose (int) – the number of steps after which an information is printed.

Start test or validation.

Return eval_results:
 a dictionary whose keys are the class name of metrics to use, values are the evaluation results of these metrics.



exception fastNLP.core.utils.CheckError(check_res: fastNLP.core.utils.CheckRes, func_signature: str)[source]

CheckError. Used in losses.LossBase, metrics.MetricBase.

class fastNLP.core.utils.CheckRes(missing, unused, duplicated, required, all_needed, varargs)

Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 5


Given a function or method, return its signature. For example: (1) function

def func(a, b=’a’, *args):

get_func_signature(func) # ‘func(a, b=’a’, *args)’

  1. method class Demo:

    def __init__(self):


    def forward(self, a, b=’a’, **args)

    demo = Demo() get_func_signature(demo.forward) # ‘Demo.forward(self, a, b=’a’, **args)’

Parameters:func – a function or a method
Returns:str or None
fastNLP.core.utils.load_pickle(pickle_path, file_name)[source]

Load an object from a given pickle file.

  • pickle_path – str, the directory where the pickle file is.
  • file_name – str, the name of the pickle file.
Return obj:

an object stored in the pickle

fastNLP.core.utils.pickle_exist(pickle_path, pickle_name)[source]

Check if a given pickle file exists in the directory.

  • pickle_path – the directory of target pickle file
  • pickle_name – the filename of target pickle file

True if file exists else False

fastNLP.core.utils.save_pickle(obj, pickle_path, file_name)[source]

Save an object into a pickle file.

  • obj – an object
  • pickle_path – str, the directory where the pickle file is to be saved
  • file_name – str, the name of the pickle file. In general, it should be ended by “pkl”.
fastNLP.core.utils.seq_lens_to_masks(seq_lens, float=False)[source]

Convert seq_lens to masks. :param seq_lens: list, np.ndarray, or torch.LongTensor, shape should all be (B,) :param float: if True, the return masks is in float type, otherwise it is byte. :return: list, np.ndarray or torch.Tensor, shape will be (B, max_length)

fastNLP.core.utils.seq_mask(seq_len, max_len)[source]

Create sequence mask.

  • seq_len – list or torch.Tensor, the lengths of sequences in a batch.
  • max_len – int, the maximum sequence length in a batch.
Return mask:

torch.LongTensor, [batch_size, max_len]


class fastNLP.core.vocabulary.Vocabulary(max_size=None, min_freq=None, unknown='<unk>', padding='<pad>')[source]

Use for word and index one to one mapping


vocab = Vocabulary()
word_list = "this is a word list".split()
  • max_size (int) – set the max number of words in Vocabulary. Default: None
  • min_freq (int) – set the min occur frequency of words in Vocabulary. Default: None

Build “index to word” dict based on “word to index” dict.


Build a mapping from word to index, and filter the word using max_size and min_freq.


Turn a word to an index. If w is not in Vocabulary, return the unknown label.

Parameters:w (str) – a word

A decorator to check whether the vocabulary updates after the last build.


A decorator to make sure the indexing is built before used.