Source code for fastNLP.core.dataset

import _pickle as pickle

import numpy as np

from fastNLP.core.fieldarray import FieldArray
from fastNLP.core.instance import Instance
from fastNLP.core.utils import get_func_signature
from import DataLoaderRegister

[docs]class DataSet(object): """DataSet is the collection of examples. DataSet provides instance-level interface. You can append and access an instance of the DataSet. However, it stores data in a different way: Field-first, Instance-second. """ def __init__(self, data=None): """ :param data: a dict or a list. If `data` is a dict, the key is the name of a FieldArray and the value is the FieldArray. All values must be of the same length. If `data` is a list, it must be a list of Instance objects. """ self.field_arrays = {} if data is not None: if isinstance(data, dict): length_set = set() for key, value in data.items(): length_set.add(len(value)) assert len(length_set) == 1, "Arrays must all be same length." for key, value in data.items(): self.add_field(name=key, fields=value) elif isinstance(data, list): for ins in data: assert isinstance(ins, Instance), "Must be Instance type, not {}.".format(type(ins)) self.append(ins) else: raise ValueError("data only be dict or list type.") def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.field_arrays def __iter__(self): def iter_func(): for idx in range(len(self)): yield self[idx] return iter_func() def _inner_iter(self): class Iter_ptr: def __init__(self, dataset, idx): self.dataset = dataset self.idx = idx def __getitem__(self, item): assert item in self.dataset.field_arrays, "no such field:{} in Instance {}".format(item, self.dataset[ self.idx]) assert self.idx < len(self.dataset.field_arrays[item]), "index:{} out of range".format(self.idx) return self.dataset.field_arrays[item][self.idx] def __repr__(self): return self.dataset[self.idx].__repr__() def inner_iter_func(): for idx in range(len(self)): yield Iter_ptr(self, idx) return inner_iter_func() def __getitem__(self, idx): """Fetch Instance(s) at the `idx` position(s) in the dataset. Notice: This method returns a copy of the actual instance(s). Any change to the returned value would not modify the origin instance(s) of the DataSet. If you want to make in-place changes to all Instances, use `apply` method. :param idx: can be int or slice. :return: If `idx` is int, return an Instance object. If `idx` is slice, return a DataSet object. """ if isinstance(idx, int): return Instance(**{name: self.field_arrays[name][idx] for name in self.field_arrays}) elif isinstance(idx, slice): if idx.start is not None and (idx.start >= len(self) or idx.start <= -len(self)): raise RuntimeError(f"Start index {idx.start} out of range 0-{len(self)-1}") data_set = DataSet() for field in self.field_arrays.values(): data_set.add_field(, fields=field.content[idx], padding_val=field.padding_val, is_input=field.is_input, is_target=field.is_target) return data_set else: raise KeyError("Unrecognized type {} for idx in __getitem__ method".format(type(idx))) def __getattr__(self, item): # Not tested. Don't use !! if item == "field_arrays": raise AttributeError if isinstance(item, str) and item in self.field_arrays: return self.field_arrays[item] try: reader = DataLoaderRegister.get_reader(item) return reader except AttributeError: raise def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __len__(self): """Fetch the length of the dataset. :return length: """ if len(self.field_arrays) == 0: return 0 field = iter(self.field_arrays.values()).__next__() return len(field) def __inner_repr__(self): if len(self) < 20: return ",\n".join([ins.__repr__() for ins in self]) else: return self[:5].__inner_repr__() + "\n...\n" + self[-5:].__inner_repr__() def __repr__(self): return "DataSet(" + self.__inner_repr__() + ")"
[docs] def append(self, ins): """Add an instance to the DataSet. If the DataSet is not empty, the instance must have the same field names as the rest instances in the DataSet. :param ins: an Instance object """ if len(self.field_arrays) == 0: # DataSet has no field yet for name, field in ins.fields.items(): self.field_arrays[name] = FieldArray(name, [field]) else: assert len(self.field_arrays) == len(ins.fields) for name, field in ins.fields.items(): assert name in self.field_arrays self.field_arrays[name].append(field)
[docs] def add_field(self, name, fields, padding_val=0, is_input=False, is_target=False): """Add a new field to the DataSet. :param str name: the name of the field. :param fields: a list of int, float, or other objects. :param int padding_val: integer for padding. :param bool is_input: whether this field is model input. :param bool is_target: whether this field is label or target. """ if len(self.field_arrays) != 0: if len(self) != len(fields): raise RuntimeError(f"The field to append must have the same size as dataset. " f"Dataset size {len(self)} != field size {len(fields)}") self.field_arrays[name] = FieldArray(name, fields, padding_val=padding_val, is_target=is_target, is_input=is_input)
[docs] def delete_field(self, name): """Delete a field based on the field name. :param name: the name of the field to be deleted. """ self.field_arrays.pop(name)
def get_field(self, field_name): if field_name not in self.field_arrays: raise KeyError("Field name {} not found in DataSet".format(field_name)) return self.field_arrays[field_name]
[docs] def get_all_fields(self): """Return all the fields with their names. :return field_arrays: the internal data structure of DataSet. """ return self.field_arrays
[docs] def get_length(self): """Fetch the length of the dataset. :return length: """ return len(self)
[docs] def rename_field(self, old_name, new_name): """Rename a field. :param str old_name: :param str new_name: """ if old_name in self.field_arrays: self.field_arrays[new_name] = self.field_arrays.pop(old_name) self.field_arrays[new_name].name = new_name else: raise KeyError("DataSet has no field named {}.".format(old_name))
[docs] def set_target(self, *field_names, flag=True): """Change the target flag of these fields. :param field_names: a sequence of str, indicating field names :param bool flag: Set these fields as target if True. Unset them if False. """ for name in field_names: if name in self.field_arrays: self.field_arrays[name].is_target = flag else: raise KeyError("{} is not a valid field name.".format(name))
[docs] def set_input(self, *field_name, flag=True): """Set the input flag of these fields. :param field_name: a sequence of str, indicating field names. :param bool flag: Set these fields as input if True. Unset them if False. """ for name in field_name: if name in self.field_arrays: self.field_arrays[name].is_input = flag else: raise KeyError("{} is not a valid field name.".format(name))
[docs] def get_input_name(self): """Get all field names with `is_input` as True. :return field_names: a list of str """ return [name for name, field in self.field_arrays.items() if field.is_input]
[docs] def get_target_name(self): """Get all field names with `is_target` as True. :return field_names: a list of str """ return [name for name, field in self.field_arrays.items() if field.is_target]
[docs] def apply(self, func, new_field_name=None, **kwargs): """Apply a function to every instance of the DataSet. :param func: a function that takes an instance as input. :param str new_field_name: If not None, results of the function will be stored as a new field. :param **kwargs: Accept parameters will be (1) is_input: boolean, will be ignored if new_field is None. If True, the new field will be as input. (2) is_target: boolean, will be ignored if new_field is None. If True, the new field will be as target. :return results: if new_field_name is not passed, returned values of the function over all instances. """ results = [func(ins) for ins in self._inner_iter()] if len(list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, results))) == 0 and not (new_field_name is None): # all None raise ValueError("{} always return None.".format(get_func_signature(func=func))) extra_param = {} if 'is_input' in kwargs: extra_param['is_input'] = kwargs['is_input'] if 'is_target' in kwargs: extra_param['is_target'] = kwargs['is_target'] if new_field_name is not None: if new_field_name in self.field_arrays: # overwrite the field, keep same attributes old_field = self.field_arrays[new_field_name] if 'is_input' not in extra_param: extra_param['is_input'] = old_field.is_input if 'is_target' not in extra_param: extra_param['is_target'] = old_field.is_target self.add_field(name=new_field_name, fields=results, padding_val=old_field.padding_val, **extra_param) else: self.add_field(name=new_field_name, fields=results, **extra_param) else: return results
[docs] def drop(self, func): """Drop instances if a condition holds. :param func: a function that takes an Instance object as input, and returns bool. The instance will be dropped if the function returns True. """ results = [ins for ins in self._inner_iter() if not func(ins)] for name, old_field in self.field_arrays.items(): self.field_arrays[name].content = [ins[name] for ins in results]
[docs] def split(self, dev_ratio): """Split the dataset into training and development(validation) set. :param float dev_ratio: the ratio of test set in all data. :return (train_set, dev_set): train_set: the training set dev_set: the development set """ assert isinstance(dev_ratio, float) assert 0 < dev_ratio < 1 all_indices = [_ for _ in range(len(self))] np.random.shuffle(all_indices) split = int(dev_ratio * len(self)) dev_indices = all_indices[:split] train_indices = all_indices[split:] dev_set = DataSet() train_set = DataSet() for idx in dev_indices: dev_set.append(self[idx]) for idx in train_indices: train_set.append(self[idx]) for field_name in self.field_arrays: train_set.field_arrays[field_name].is_input = self.field_arrays[field_name].is_input train_set.field_arrays[field_name].is_target = self.field_arrays[field_name].is_target dev_set.field_arrays[field_name].is_input = self.field_arrays[field_name].is_input dev_set.field_arrays[field_name].is_target = self.field_arrays[field_name].is_target return train_set, dev_set
[docs] @classmethod def read_csv(cls, csv_path, headers=None, sep=",", dropna=True): """Load data from a CSV file and return a DataSet object. :param str csv_path: path to the CSV file :param List[str] or Tuple[str] headers: headers of the CSV file :param str sep: delimiter in CSV file. Default: "," :param bool dropna: If True, drop rows that have less entries than headers. :return dataset: the read data set """ with open(csv_path, "r") as f: start_idx = 0 if headers is None: headers = f.readline().rstrip('\r\n') headers = headers.split(sep) start_idx += 1 else: assert isinstance(headers, (list, tuple)), "headers should be list or tuple, not {}.".format( type(headers)) _dict = {} for col in headers: _dict[col] = [] for line_idx, line in enumerate(f, start_idx): contents = line.rstrip('\r\n').split(sep) if len(contents) != len(headers): if dropna: continue else: # TODO change error type raise ValueError("Line {} has {} parts, while header has {} parts." \ .format(line_idx, len(contents), len(headers))) for header, content in zip(headers, contents): _dict[header].append(content) return cls(_dict)
# def read_pos(self): # return DataLoaderRegister.get_reader('read_pos')
[docs] def save(self, path): """Save the DataSet object as pickle. :param str path: the path to the pickle """ with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(path): """Load a DataSet object from pickle. :param str path: the path to the pickle :return data_set: """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs]def construct_dataset(sentences): """Construct a data set from a list of sentences. :param sentences: list of list of str :return dataset: a DataSet object """ dataset = DataSet() for sentence in sentences: instance = Instance() instance['raw_sentence'] = sentence dataset.append(instance) return dataset