Source code for fastNLP.core.metrics

import inspect
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import torch

from fastNLP.core.utils import CheckError
from fastNLP.core.utils import CheckRes
from fastNLP.core.utils import _build_args
from fastNLP.core.utils import _check_arg_dict_list
from fastNLP.core.utils import get_func_signature
from fastNLP.core.utils import seq_lens_to_masks
from fastNLP.core.vocabulary import Vocabulary

[docs]class MetricBase(object): """Base class for all metrics. ``MetricBase`` handles validity check of its input dictionaries - ``pred_dict`` and ``target_dict``. ``pred_dict`` is the output of ``forward()`` or prediction function of a model. ``target_dict`` is the ground truth from DataSet where ``is_target`` is set ``True``. ``MetricBase`` will do the following type checks: 1. whether self.evaluate has varargs, which is not supported. 2. whether params needed by self.evaluate is not included in ``pred_dict``, ``target_dict``. 3. whether params needed by self.evaluate duplicate in ``pred_dict``, ``target_dict``. 4. whether params in ``pred_dict``, ``target_dict`` are not used by evaluate.(Might cause warning) Besides, before passing params into self.evaluate, this function will filter out params from output_dict and target_dict which are not used in self.evaluate. (but if **kwargs presented in self.evaluate, no filtering will be conducted.) However, in some cases where type check is not necessary, ``_fast_param_map`` will be used. """ def __init__(self): self.param_map = {} # key is param in function, value is input param. self._checked = False def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def _init_param_map(self, key_map=None, **kwargs): """Check the validity of key_map and other param map. Add these into self.param_map :param key_map: dict :param kwargs: :return: None """ value_counter = defaultdict(set) if key_map is not None: if not isinstance(key_map, dict): raise TypeError("key_map must be `dict`, got {}.".format(type(key_map))) for key, value in key_map.items(): if value is None: self.param_map[key] = key continue if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError(f"key in key_map must be `str`, not `{type(key)}`.") if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"value in key_map must be `str`, not `{type(value)}`.") self.param_map[key] = value value_counter[value].add(key) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is None: self.param_map[key] = key continue if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"in {key}={value}, value must be `str`, not `{type(value)}`.") self.param_map[key] = value value_counter[value].add(key) for value, key_set in value_counter.items(): if len(key_set) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Several parameters:{key_set} are provided with one output {value}.") # check consistence between signature and param_map func_spect = inspect.getfullargspec(self.evaluate) func_args = [arg for arg in func_spect.args if arg != 'self'] for func_param, input_param in self.param_map.items(): if func_param not in func_args: raise NameError( f"Parameter `{func_param}` is not in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}. Please check the " f"initialization parameters, or change its signature.") def get_metric(self, reset=True): raise NotImplemented def _fast_param_map(self, pred_dict, target_dict): """Only used as inner function. When the pred_dict, target is unequivocal. Don't need users to pass key_map. such as pred_dict has one element, target_dict has one element :param pred_dict: :param target_dict: :return: dict, if dict is not {}, pass it to self.evaluate. Otherwise do mapping. """ fast_param = {} if len(self.param_map) == 2 and len(pred_dict) == 1 and len(target_dict) == 1: fast_param['pred'] = list(pred_dict.values())[0] fast_param['target'] = list(pred_dict.values())[0] return fast_param return fast_param def __call__(self, pred_dict, target_dict): """ This method will call self.evaluate method. Before calling self.evaluate, it will first check the validity of output_dict, target_dict (1) whether params needed by self.evaluate is not included in output_dict,target_dict. (2) whether params needed by self.evaluate duplicate in pred_dict, target_dict (3) whether params in output_dict, target_dict are not used by evaluate.(Might cause warning) Besides, before passing params into self.evaluate, this function will filter out params from output_dict and target_dict which are not used in self.evaluate. (but if **kwargs presented in self.evaluate, no filtering will be conducted.) This function also support _fast_param_map. :param pred_dict: usually the output of forward or prediction function :param target_dict: usually features set as target.. :return: """ if not callable(self.evaluate): raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.evaluate has to be callable, not {type(self.evaluate)}.") fast_param = self._fast_param_map(pred_dict=pred_dict, target_dict=target_dict) if fast_param: self.evaluate(**fast_param) return if not self._checked: # 1. check consistence between signature and param_map func_spect = inspect.getfullargspec(self.evaluate) func_args = set([arg for arg in func_spect.args if arg != 'self']) for func_arg, input_arg in self.param_map.items(): if func_arg not in func_args: raise NameError(f"`{func_arg}` not in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}.") # 2. only part of the param_map are passed, left are not for arg in func_args: if arg not in self.param_map: self.param_map[arg] = arg # This param does not need mapping. self._evaluate_args = func_args self._reverse_param_map = {input_arg: func_arg for func_arg, input_arg in self.param_map.items()} # need to wrap inputs in dict. mapped_pred_dict = {} mapped_target_dict = {} duplicated = [] for input_arg in set(list(pred_dict.keys()) + list(target_dict.keys())): not_duplicate_flag = 0 if input_arg in self._reverse_param_map: mapped_arg = self._reverse_param_map[input_arg] not_duplicate_flag += 1 else: mapped_arg = input_arg if input_arg in pred_dict: mapped_pred_dict[mapped_arg] = pred_dict[input_arg] not_duplicate_flag += 1 if input_arg in target_dict: mapped_target_dict[mapped_arg] = target_dict[input_arg] not_duplicate_flag += 1 if not_duplicate_flag == 3: duplicated.append(input_arg) # missing if not self._checked: check_res = _check_arg_dict_list(self.evaluate, [mapped_pred_dict, mapped_target_dict]) # only check missing. # replace missing. missing = check_res.missing replaced_missing = list(missing) for idx, func_arg in enumerate(missing): # Don't delete `` in this information, nor add `` replaced_missing[idx] = f"{self.param_map[func_arg]}" + f"(assign to `{func_arg}` " \ f"in `{self.__class__.__name__}`)" check_res = CheckRes(missing=replaced_missing, unused=check_res.unused, duplicated=duplicated, required=check_res.required, all_needed=check_res.all_needed, varargs=check_res.varargs) if check_res.missing or check_res.duplicated: raise CheckError(check_res=check_res, func_signature=get_func_signature(self.evaluate)) refined_args = _build_args(self.evaluate, **mapped_pred_dict, **mapped_target_dict) self.evaluate(**refined_args) self._checked = True return
[docs]class AccuracyMetric(MetricBase): """Accuracy Metric """ def __init__(self, pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None): super().__init__() self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, seq_lens=seq_lens) = 0 self.acc_count = 0 def _fast_param_map(self, pred_dict, target_dict): """Only used as inner function. When the pred_dict, target is unequivocal. Don't need users to pass key_map. such as pred_dict has one element, target_dict has one element :param pred_dict: :param target_dict: :return: dict, if dict is not None, pass it to self.evaluate. Otherwise do mapping. """ fast_param = {} targets = list(target_dict.values()) if len(targets) == 1 and isinstance(targets[0], torch.Tensor): if len(pred_dict) == 1: pred = list(pred_dict.values())[0] fast_param['pred'] = pred elif len(pred_dict) == 2: pred1 = list(pred_dict.values())[0] pred2 = list(pred_dict.values())[1] if not (isinstance(pred1, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(pred2, torch.Tensor)): return fast_param if len(pred1.size()) < len(pred2.size()) and len(pred1.size()) == 1: seq_lens = pred1 pred = pred2 elif len(pred1.size()) > len(pred2.size()) and len(pred2.size()) == 1: seq_lens = pred2 pred = pred1 else: return fast_param fast_param['pred'] = pred fast_param['seq_lens'] = seq_lens else: return fast_param fast_param['target'] = targets[0] # TODO need to make sure they all have same batch_size return fast_param
[docs] def evaluate(self, pred, target, seq_lens=None): """ :param pred: List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element's shape can be: torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B, n_classes]), torch.Size([B, max_len]), torch.Size([B, max_len, n_classes]) :param target: List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element's can be: torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B,]), torch.Size([B, max_len]), torch.Size([B, max_len]) :param seq_lens: List of (torch.Tensor, or numpy.ndarray). Element's can be: None, None, torch.Size([B], torch.Size([B]). ignored if masks are provided. """ # TODO 这里报错需要更改,因为pred是啥用户并不知道。需要告知用户真实的value if not isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`pred` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(pred)}.") if not isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`target` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(target)}.") if seq_lens is not None and not isinstance(seq_lens, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`seq_lens` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(seq_lens)}.") if seq_lens is not None: masks = seq_lens_to_masks(seq_lens=seq_lens, float=True) else: masks = None if pred.size() == target.size(): pass elif len(pred.size()) == len(target.size()) + 1: pred = pred.argmax(dim=-1) else: raise RuntimeError(f"In {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}, when pred have " f"size:{pred.size()}, target should have size: {pred.size()} or " f"{pred.size()[:-1]}, got {target.size()}.") pred = pred.float() target = target.float() if masks is not None: self.acc_count += torch.sum(torch.eq(pred, target).float() * masks.float()).item() += torch.sum(masks.float()).item() else: self.acc_count += torch.sum(torch.eq(pred, target).float()).item() +=
[docs] def get_metric(self, reset=True): """Returns computed metric. :param bool reset: whether to recount next time. :return evaluate_result: {"acc": float} """ evaluate_result = {'acc': round(self.acc_count /, 6)} if reset: self.acc_count = 0 = 0 return evaluate_result
[docs]def bmes_tag_to_spans(tags, ignore_labels=None): """ :param tags: List[str], :param ignore_labels: List[str], 在该list中的label将被忽略 :return: List[Tuple[str, List[int, int]]]. [(label,[start, end])] """ ignore_labels = set(ignore_labels) if ignore_labels else set() spans = [] prev_bmes_tag = None for idx, tag in enumerate(tags): tag = tag.lower() bmes_tag, label = tag[:1], tag[2:] if bmes_tag in ('b', 's'): spans.append((label, [idx, idx])) elif bmes_tag in ('m', 'e') and prev_bmes_tag in ('b', 'm') and label==spans[-1][0]: spans[-1][1][1] = idx else: spans.append((label, [idx, idx])) prev_bmes_tag = bmes_tag return [(span[0], (span[1][0], span[1][1])) for span in spans if span[0] not in ignore_labels ]
[docs]def bio_tag_to_spans(tags, ignore_labels=None): """ :param tags: List[str], :param ignore_labels: List[str], 在该list中的label将被忽略 :return: List[Tuple[str, List[int, int]]]. [(label,[start, end])] """ ignore_labels = set(ignore_labels) if ignore_labels else set() spans = [] prev_bio_tag = None for idx, tag in enumerate(tags): tag = tag.lower() bio_tag, label = tag[:1], tag[2:] if bio_tag == 'b': spans.append((label, [idx, idx])) elif bio_tag == 'i' and prev_bio_tag in ('b', 'i') and label==spans[-1][0]: spans[-1][1][1] = idx elif bio_tag == 'o': # o tag does not count pass else: spans.append((label, [idx, idx])) prev_bio_tag = bio_tag return [(span[0], (span[1][0], span[1][1])) for span in spans if span[0] not in ignore_labels ]
[docs]class SpanFPreRecMetric(MetricBase): """ 在序列标注问题中,以span的方式计算F, pre, rec. 最后得到的metric结果为 { 'f': xxx, # 这里使用f考虑以后可以计算f_beta值 'pre': xxx, 'rec':xxx } 若only_gross=False, 即还会返回各个label的metric统计值 { 'f': xxx, 'pre': xxx, 'rec':xxx, 'f-label': xxx, 'pre-label': xxx, 'rec-label':xxx, ... } """ def __init__(self, tag_vocab, pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None, encoding_type='bio', ignore_labels=None, only_gross=True, f_type='micro', beta=1): """ :param tag_vocab: Vocabulary, 标签的vocabulary。支持的标签为"B"(没有label);或"B-xxx"(xxx为某种label,比如POS中的NN), 在解码时,会将相同xxx的认为是同一个label,比如['B-NN', 'E-NN']会被合并为一个'NN'. :param pred: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出prediction数据。 为None,则使用'pred'取数据 :param target: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出target数据。 为None,则使用'target'取数据 :param seq_lens: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出sequence length数据。为None,则使用'seq_lens'取数据。 :param encoding_type: str, 目前支持bio, bmes :param ignore_labels, List[str]. 这个list中的class不会被用于计算。例如在POS tagging时传入['NN'],则不会计算'NN'这 个label :param only_gross, bool. 是否只计算总的f1, precision, recall的值;如果为False,不仅返回总的f1, pre, rec, 还会返回每个 label的f1, pre, rec :param f_type, str. 'micro'或'macro'. 'micro':通过先计算总体的TP,FN和FP的数量,再计算f, precision, recall; 'macro': 分布计算每个类别的f, precision, recall,然后做平均(各类别f的权重相同) :param beta, float. f_beta分数,f_beta = (1 + beta^2)*(pre*rec)/(beta^2*pre + rec). 常用为beta=0.5, 1, 2. 若为0.5 则精确率的权重高于召回率;若为1,则两者平等;若为2,则召回率权重高于精确率。 """ encoding_type = encoding_type.lower() if encoding_type not in ('bio', 'bmes'): raise ValueError("Only support 'bio' or 'bmes' type.") if not isinstance(tag_vocab, Vocabulary): raise TypeError("tag_vocab can only be fastNLP.Vocabulary, not {}.".format(type(tag_vocab))) if f_type not in ('micro', 'macro'): raise ValueError("f_type only supports `micro` or `macro`', got {}.".format(f_type)) self.encoding_type = encoding_type if self.encoding_type == 'bmes': self.tag_to_span_func = bmes_tag_to_spans elif self.encoding_type == 'bio': self.tag_to_span_func = bio_tag_to_spans self.ignore_labels = ignore_labels self.f_type = f_type self.beta = beta self.beta_square = self.beta**2 self.only_gross = only_gross super().__init__() self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, seq_lens=seq_lens) self.tag_vocab = tag_vocab self._true_positives = defaultdict(int) self._false_positives = defaultdict(int) self._false_negatives = defaultdict(int)
[docs] def evaluate(self, pred, target, seq_lens): """ A lot of design idea comes from allennlp's measure :param pred: :param target: :param seq_lens: :return: """ if not isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`pred` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(pred)}.") if not isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`target` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(target)}.") if not isinstance(seq_lens, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`seq_lens` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(seq_lens)}.") if pred.size() == target.size() and len(target.size()) == 2: pass elif len(pred.size()) == len(target.size()) + 1 and len(target.size()) == 2: pred = pred.argmax(dim=-1) num_classes = pred.size(-1) if (target >= num_classes).any(): raise ValueError("A gold label passed to SpanBasedF1Metric contains an " "id >= {}, the number of classes.".format(num_classes)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"In {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}, when pred have " f"size:{pred.size()}, target should have size: {pred.size()} or " f"{pred.size()[:-1]}, got {target.size()}.") batch_size = pred.size(0) for i in range(batch_size): pred_tags = pred[i, :int(seq_lens[i])].tolist() gold_tags = target[i, :int(seq_lens[i])].tolist() pred_str_tags = [self.tag_vocab.to_word(tag) for tag in pred_tags] gold_str_tags = [self.tag_vocab.to_word(tag) for tag in gold_tags] pred_spans = self.tag_to_span_func(pred_str_tags, ignore_labels=self.ignore_labels) gold_spans = self.tag_to_span_func(gold_str_tags, ignore_labels=self.ignore_labels) for span in pred_spans: if span in gold_spans: self._true_positives[span[0]] += 1 gold_spans.remove(span) else: self._false_positives[span[0]] += 1 for span in gold_spans: self._false_negatives[span[0]] += 1
def get_metric(self, reset=True): evaluate_result = {} if not self.only_gross or self.f_type=='macro': tags = set(self._false_negatives.keys()) tags.update(set(self._false_positives.keys())) tags.update(set(self._true_positives.keys())) f_sum = 0 pre_sum = 0 rec_sum = 0 for tag in tags: tp = self._true_positives[tag] fn = self._false_negatives[tag] fp = self._false_positives[tag] f, pre, rec = self._compute_f_pre_rec(tp, fn, fp) f_sum += f pre_sum += pre rec_sum + rec if not self.only_gross and tag!='': # tag!=''防止无tag的情况 f_key = 'f-{}'.format(tag) pre_key = 'pre-{}'.format(tag) rec_key = 'rec-{}'.format(tag) evaluate_result[f_key] = f evaluate_result[pre_key] = pre evaluate_result[rec_key] = rec if self.f_type == 'macro': evaluate_result['f'] = f_sum/len(tags) evaluate_result['pre'] = pre_sum/len(tags) evaluate_result['rec'] = rec_sum/len(tags) if self.f_type == 'micro': f, pre, rec = self._compute_f_pre_rec(sum(self._true_positives.values()), sum(self._false_negatives.values()), sum(self._false_positives.values())) evaluate_result['f'] = round(f, 6) evaluate_result['pre'] = round(pre, 6) evaluate_result['rec'] = round(rec, 6) if reset: self._true_positives = defaultdict(int) self._false_positives = defaultdict(int) self._false_negatives = defaultdict(int) return evaluate_result def _compute_f_pre_rec(self, tp, fn, fp): """ :param tp: int, true positive :param fn: int, false negative :param fp: int, false positive :return: (f, pre, rec) """ pre = tp / (fp + tp + 1e-13) rec = tp / (fn + tp + 1e-13) f = (1 + self.beta_square) * pre * rec / (self.beta_square * pre + rec + 1e-13) return f, pre, rec
[docs]class BMESF1PreRecMetric(MetricBase): """ 按照BMES标注方式计算f1, precision, recall。由于可能存在非法tag,比如"BS",所以需要用以下的表格做转换,cur_B意思是当前tag是B, next_B意思是后一个tag是B。则cur_B=S,即将当前被predict是B的tag标为S;next_M=B, 即将后一个被predict是M的tag标为B | | next_B | next_M | next_E | next_S | end | |:-----:|:-------:|:--------:|:--------:|:-------:|:-------:| | start | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | - | | cur_B | cur_B=S | 合法 | 合法 | cur_B=S | cur_B=S | | cur_M | cur_M=E | 合法 | 合法 | cur_M=E | cur_M=E | | cur_E | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 | | cur_S | 合法 | next_M=B | next_E=S | 合法 | 合法 | 举例: prediction为BSEMS,会被认为是SSSSS. 本Metric不检验target的合法性,请务必保证target的合法性。 pred的形状应该为(batch_size, max_len) 或 (batch_size, max_len, 4)。 target形状为 (batch_size, max_len) seq_lens形状为 (batch_size, ) """ def __init__(self, b_idx=0, m_idx=1, e_idx=2, s_idx=3, pred=None, target=None, seq_lens=None): """ 需要申明BMES这四种tag中,各种tag对应的idx。所有不为b_idx, m_idx, e_idx, s_idx的数字都认为是s_idx。 :param b_idx: int, Begin标签所对应的tag idx. :param m_idx: int, Middle标签所对应的tag idx. :param e_idx: int, End标签所对应的tag idx. :param s_idx: int, Single标签所对应的tag idx :param pred: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出prediction数据。 为None,则使用'pred'取数据 :param target: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出target数据。 为None,则使用'target'取数据 :param seq_lens: str, 用该key在evaluate()时从传入dict中取出seqence length数据。为None,则使用'seq_lens'取数据。 """ super().__init__() self._init_param_map(pred=pred, target=target, seq_lens=seq_lens) self.yt_wordnum = 0 self.yp_wordnum = 0 self.corr_num = 0 self.b_idx = b_idx self.m_idx = m_idx self.e_idx = e_idx self.s_idx = s_idx # 还原init处介绍的矩阵 self._valida_matrix = { -1: [(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1)], # magic start idx self.b_idx:[(0, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, self.s_idx), (0, self.s_idx)], self.m_idx:[(0, self.e_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, self.e_idx), (0, self.e_idx)], self.e_idx:[(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1)], self.s_idx:[(-1, -1), (1, self.b_idx), (1, self.s_idx), (-1, -1), (-1, -1)], } def _validate_tags(self, tags): """ 给定一个tag的Tensor,返回合法tag :param tags: Tensor, shape: (seq_len, ) :return: 返回修改为合法tag的list """ assert len(tags)!=0 assert isinstance(tags, torch.Tensor) and len(tags.size())==1 padded_tags = [-1, *tags.tolist(), -1] for idx in range(len(padded_tags)-1): cur_tag = padded_tags[idx] if cur_tag not in self._valida_matrix: cur_tag = self.s_idx if padded_tags[idx+1] not in self._valida_matrix: padded_tags[idx+1] = self.s_idx next_tag = padded_tags[idx+1] shift_tag = self._valida_matrix[cur_tag][next_tag] if shift_tag[0]!=-1: padded_tags[idx+shift_tag[0]] = shift_tag[1] return padded_tags[1:-1] def evaluate(self, pred, target, seq_lens): if not isinstance(pred, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`pred` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(pred)}.") if not isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`target` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(target)}.") if not isinstance(seq_lens, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`seq_lens` in {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)} must be torch.Tensor," f"got {type(seq_lens)}.") if pred.size() == target.size() and len(target.size()) == 2: pass elif len(pred.size()) == len(target.size()) + 1 and len(target.size()) == 2: pred = pred.argmax(dim=-1) else: raise RuntimeError(f"In {get_func_signature(self.evaluate)}, when pred have " f"size:{pred.size()}, target should have size: {pred.size()} or " f"{pred.size()[:-1]}, got {target.size()}.") for idx in range(len(pred)): seq_len = seq_lens[idx] target_tags = target[idx][:seq_len].tolist() pred_tags = pred[idx][:seq_len] pred_tags = self._validate_tags(pred_tags) start_idx = 0 for t_idx, (t_tag, p_tag) in enumerate(zip(target_tags, pred_tags)): if t_tag in (self.s_idx, self.e_idx): self.yt_wordnum += 1 corr_flag = True for i in range(start_idx, t_idx+1): if target_tags[i]!=pred_tags[i]: corr_flag = False if corr_flag: self.corr_num += 1 start_idx = t_idx + 1 if p_tag in (self.s_idx, self.e_idx): self.yp_wordnum += 1 def get_metric(self, reset=True): P = self.corr_num / (self.yp_wordnum + 1e-12) R = self.corr_num / (self.yt_wordnum + 1e-12) F = 2 * P * R / (P + R + 1e-12) evaluate_result = {'f': round(F, 6), 'pre':round(P, 6), 'rec': round(R, 6)} if reset: self.yp_wordnum = 0 self.yt_wordnum = 0 self.corr_num = 0 return evaluate_result
def _prepare_metrics(metrics): """ Prepare list of Metric based on input :param metrics: :return: List[fastNLP.MetricBase] """ _metrics = [] if metrics: if isinstance(metrics, list): for metric in metrics: if isinstance(metric, type): metric = metric() if isinstance(metric, MetricBase): metric_name = metric.__class__.__name__ if not callable(metric.evaluate): raise TypeError(f"{metric_name}.evaluate must be callable, got {type(metric.evaluate)}.") if not callable(metric.get_metric): raise TypeError(f"{metric_name}.get_metric must be callable, got {type(metric.get_metric)}.") _metrics.append(metric) else: raise TypeError( f"The type of metric in metrics must be `fastNLP.MetricBase`, not `{type(metric)}`.") elif isinstance(metrics, MetricBase): _metrics = [metrics] else: raise TypeError(f"The type of metrics should be `list[fastNLP.MetricBase]` or `fastNLP.MetricBase`, " f"got {type(metrics)}.") return _metrics
[docs]def accuracy_topk(y_true, y_prob, k=1): """Compute accuracy of y_true matching top-k probable labels in y_prob. :param y_true: ndarray, true label, [n_samples] :param y_prob: ndarray, label probabilities, [n_samples, n_classes] :param k: int, k in top-k :returns acc: accuracy of top-k """ y_pred_topk = np.argsort(y_prob, axis=-1)[:, -1:-k - 1:-1] y_true_tile = np.tile(np.expand_dims(y_true, axis=1), (1, k)) y_match = np.any(y_pred_topk == y_true_tile, axis=-1) acc = np.sum(y_match) / y_match.shape[0] return acc
[docs]def pred_topk(y_prob, k=1): """Return top-k predicted labels and corresponding probabilities. :param y_prob: ndarray, size [n_samples, n_classes], probabilities on labels :param k: int, k of top-k :returns (y_pred_topk, y_prob_topk): y_pred_topk: ndarray, size [n_samples, k], predicted top-k labels y_prob_topk: ndarray, size [n_samples, k], probabilities for top-k labels """ y_pred_topk = np.argsort(y_prob, axis=-1)[:, -1:-k - 1:-1] x_axis_index = np.tile( np.arange(len(y_prob))[:, np.newaxis], (1, k)) y_prob_topk = y_prob[x_axis_index, y_pred_topk] return y_pred_topk, y_prob_topk