Source code for fastNLP.api.processor

import re
from collections import defaultdict

import torch

from fastNLP.core.batch import Batch
from fastNLP.core.dataset import DataSet
from fastNLP.core.sampler import SequentialSampler
from fastNLP.core.vocabulary import Vocabulary

class Processor(object):
    def __init__(self, field_name, new_added_field_name):

        :param field_name: 处理哪个field
        :param new_added_field_name: 如果为None,则认为是field_name,即覆盖原有的field
        self.field_name = field_name
        if new_added_field_name is None:
            self.new_added_field_name = field_name
            self.new_added_field_name = new_added_field_name

    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.process(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class FullSpaceToHalfSpaceProcessor(Processor): """全角转半角,以字符为处理单元 """ def __init__(self, field_name, change_alpha=True, change_digit=True, change_punctuation=True, change_space=True): super(FullSpaceToHalfSpaceProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, None) self.change_alpha = change_alpha self.change_digit = change_digit self.change_punctuation = change_punctuation self.change_space = change_space FH_SPACE = [(u" ", u" ")] FH_NUM = [ (u"0", u"0"), (u"1", u"1"), (u"2", u"2"), (u"3", u"3"), (u"4", u"4"), (u"5", u"5"), (u"6", u"6"), (u"7", u"7"), (u"8", u"8"), (u"9", u"9")] FH_ALPHA = [ (u"a", u"a"), (u"b", u"b"), (u"c", u"c"), (u"d", u"d"), (u"e", u"e"), (u"f", u"f"), (u"g", u"g"), (u"h", u"h"), (u"i", u"i"), (u"j", u"j"), (u"k", u"k"), (u"l", u"l"), (u"m", u"m"), (u"n", u"n"), (u"o", u"o"), (u"p", u"p"), (u"q", u"q"), (u"r", u"r"), (u"s", u"s"), (u"t", u"t"), (u"u", u"u"), (u"v", u"v"), (u"w", u"w"), (u"x", u"x"), (u"y", u"y"), (u"z", u"z"), (u"A", u"A"), (u"B", u"B"), (u"C", u"C"), (u"D", u"D"), (u"E", u"E"), (u"F", u"F"), (u"G", u"G"), (u"H", u"H"), (u"I", u"I"), (u"J", u"J"), (u"K", u"K"), (u"L", u"L"), (u"M", u"M"), (u"N", u"N"), (u"O", u"O"), (u"P", u"P"), (u"Q", u"Q"), (u"R", u"R"), (u"S", u"S"), (u"T", u"T"), (u"U", u"U"), (u"V", u"V"), (u"W", u"W"), (u"X", u"X"), (u"Y", u"Y"), (u"Z", u"Z")] # 谨慎使用标点符号转换, 因为"5.12特大地震"转换后可能就成了"5.12特大地震" FH_PUNCTUATION = [ (u'%', u'%'), (u'!', u'!'), (u'"', u'\"'), (u''', u'\''), (u'#', u'#'), (u'¥', u'$'), (u'&', u'&'), (u'(', u'('), (u')', u')'), (u'*', u'*'), (u'+', u'+'), (u',', u','), (u'-', u'-'), (u'.', u'.'), (u'/', u'/'), (u':', u':'), (u';', u';'), (u'<', u'<'), (u'=', u'='), (u'>', u'>'), (u'?', u'?'), (u'@', u'@'), (u'[', u'['), (u']', u']'), (u'\', u'\\'), (u'^', u'^'), (u'_', u'_'), (u'`', u'`'), (u'~', u'~'), (u'{', u'{'), (u'}', u'}'), (u'|', u'|')] FHs = [] if self.change_alpha: FHs = FH_ALPHA if self.change_digit: FHs += FH_NUM if self.change_punctuation: FHs += FH_PUNCTUATION if self.change_space: FHs += FH_SPACE self.convert_map = {k: v for k, v in FHs} def process(self, dataset): assert isinstance(dataset, DataSet), "Only Dataset class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(dataset)) def inner_proc(ins): sentence = ins[self.field_name] new_sentence = [""] * len(sentence) for idx, char in enumerate(sentence): if char in self.convert_map: char = self.convert_map[char] new_sentence[idx] = char return "".join(new_sentence) dataset.apply(inner_proc, new_field_name=self.field_name) return dataset
[docs]class PreAppendProcessor(Processor): """ 向某个field的起始增加data(应该为str类型)。该field需要为list类型。即新增的field为 [data] + instance[field_name] """ def __init__(self, data, field_name, new_added_field_name=None): super(PreAppendProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) = data def process(self, dataset): dataset.apply(lambda ins: [] + ins[self.field_name], new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) return dataset
[docs]class SliceProcessor(Processor): """ 从某个field中只取部分内容。等价于instance[field_name][start:end:step] """ def __init__(self, start, end, step, field_name, new_added_field_name=None): super(SliceProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) for o in (start, end, step): assert isinstance(o, int) or o is None self.slice = slice(start, end, step) def process(self, dataset): dataset.apply(lambda ins: ins[self.field_name][self.slice], new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) return dataset
[docs]class Num2TagProcessor(Processor): """ 将一句话中的数字转换为某个tag。 """ def __init__(self, tag, field_name, new_added_field_name=None): """ :param tag: str, 将数字转换为该tag :param field_name: :param new_added_field_name: """ super(Num2TagProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) self.tag = tag self.pattern = r'[-+]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)+[/eE]?[-+]?([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)' def process(self, dataset): def inner_proc(ins): s = ins[self.field_name] new_s = [None] * len(s) for i, w in enumerate(s): if, w) is not None: w = self.tag new_s[i] = w return new_s dataset.apply(inner_proc, new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) return dataset
[docs]class IndexerProcessor(Processor): """ 给定一个vocabulary , 将指定field转换为index形式。指定field应该是一维的list,比如 ['我', '是', xxx] """ def __init__(self, vocab, field_name, new_added_field_name, delete_old_field=False, is_input=True): assert isinstance(vocab, Vocabulary), "Only Vocabulary class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(vocab)) super(IndexerProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) self.vocab = vocab self.delete_old_field = delete_old_field self.is_input = is_input def set_vocab(self, vocab): assert isinstance(vocab, Vocabulary), "Only Vocabulary class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(vocab)) self.vocab = vocab def process(self, dataset): assert isinstance(dataset, DataSet), "Only DataSet class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(dataset)) dataset.apply(lambda ins: [self.vocab.to_index(token) for token in ins[self.field_name]], new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) if self.is_input: dataset.set_input(self.new_added_field_name) if self.delete_old_field: dataset.delete_field(self.field_name) return dataset
[docs]class VocabProcessor(Processor): """ 传入若干个DataSet以建立vocabulary。 """ def __init__(self, field_name, min_freq=1, max_size=None): super(VocabProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, None) self.vocab = Vocabulary(min_freq=min_freq, max_size=max_size) def process(self, *datasets): for dataset in datasets: assert isinstance(dataset, DataSet), "Only Dataset class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(dataset)) dataset.apply(lambda ins: self.vocab.update(ins[self.field_name])) def get_vocab(self): self.vocab.build_vocab() return self.vocab
[docs]class SeqLenProcessor(Processor): """ 根据某个field新增一个sequence length的field。取该field的第一维 """ def __init__(self, field_name, new_added_field_name='seq_lens', is_input=True): super(SeqLenProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) self.is_input = is_input def process(self, dataset): assert isinstance(dataset, DataSet), "Only Dataset class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(dataset)) dataset.apply(lambda ins: len(ins[self.field_name]), new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) if self.is_input: dataset.set_input(self.new_added_field_name) return dataset
from fastNLP.core.utils import _build_args class ModelProcessor(Processor): def __init__(self, model, seq_len_field_name='seq_lens', batch_size=32): """ 传入一个model,在process()时传入一个dataset,该processor会通过Batch将DataSet的内容输出给model.predict或者model.forward. model输出的内容会被增加到dataset中,field_name由model输出决定。如果生成的内容维度不是(Batch_size, )与 (Batch_size, 1),则使用seqence length这个field进行unpad TODO 这个类需要删除对seq_lens的依赖。 :param seq_len_field_name: :param batch_size: """ super(ModelProcessor, self).__init__(None, None) self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_len_field_name = seq_len_field_name self.model = model def process(self, dataset): self.model.eval() assert isinstance(dataset, DataSet), "Only Dataset class is allowed, not {}.".format(type(dataset)) data_iterator = Batch(dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=SequentialSampler()) batch_output = defaultdict(list) if hasattr(self.model, "predict"): predict_func = self.model.predict else: predict_func = self.model.forward with torch.no_grad(): for batch_x, _ in data_iterator: refined_batch_x = _build_args(predict_func, **batch_x) prediction = predict_func(**refined_batch_x) seq_lens = batch_x[self.seq_len_field_name].tolist() for key, value in prediction.items(): tmp_batch = [] value = value.cpu().numpy() if len(value.shape) == 1 or (len(value.shape) == 2 and value.shape[1] == 1): batch_output[key].extend(value.tolist()) else: for idx, seq_len in enumerate(seq_lens): tmp_batch.append(value[idx, :seq_len]) batch_output[key].extend(tmp_batch) if not self.seq_len_field_name in prediction: batch_output[self.seq_len_field_name].extend(seq_lens) # TODO 当前的实现会导致之后的processor需要知道model输出的output的key是什么 for field_name, fields in batch_output.items(): dataset.add_field(field_name, fields, is_input=True, is_target=False) return dataset def set_model(self, model): self.model = model def set_model_device(self, device): device = torch.device(device)
[docs]class Index2WordProcessor(Processor): """ 将DataSet中某个为index的field根据vocab转换为str """ def __init__(self, vocab, field_name, new_added_field_name): super(Index2WordProcessor, self).__init__(field_name, new_added_field_name) self.vocab = vocab def process(self, dataset): dataset.apply(lambda ins: [self.vocab.to_word(w) for w in ins[self.field_name]], new_field_name=self.new_added_field_name) return dataset
class SetTargetProcessor(Processor): # TODO; remove it. def __init__(self, *fields, flag=True): super(SetTargetProcessor, self).__init__(None, None) self.fields = fields self.flag = flag def process(self, dataset): dataset.set_target(*self.fields, flag=self.flag) return dataset class SetInputProcessor(Processor): def __init__(self, *fields, flag=True): super(SetInputProcessor, self).__init__(None, None) self.fields = fields self.flag = flag def process(self, dataset): dataset.set_input(*self.fields, flag=self.flag) return dataset