Source code for

import os

from fastNLP.core.dataset import DataSet
from fastNLP.core.instance import Instance
from import DataLoaderRegister

[docs]def convert_seq_dataset(data): """Create an DataSet instance that contains no labels. :param data: list of list of strings, [num_examples, *]. Example:: [ [word_11, word_12, ...], ... ] :return: a DataSet. """ dataset = DataSet() for word_seq in data: dataset.append(Instance(word_seq=word_seq)) return dataset
[docs]def convert_seq2tag_dataset(data): """Convert list of data into DataSet. :param data: list of list of strings, [num_examples, *]. Example:: [ [ [word_11, word_12, ...], label_1 ], [ [word_21, word_22, ...], label_2 ], ... ] :return: a DataSet. """ dataset = DataSet() for sample in data: dataset.append(Instance(word_seq=sample[0], label=sample[1])) return dataset
[docs]def convert_seq2seq_dataset(data): """Convert list of data into DataSet. :param data: list of list of strings, [num_examples, *]. Example:: [ [ [word_11, word_12, ...], [label_1, label_1, ...] ], [ [word_21, word_22, ...], [label_2, label_1, ...] ], ... ] :return: a DataSet. """ dataset = DataSet() for sample in data: dataset.append(Instance(word_seq=sample[0], label_seq=sample[1])) return dataset
[docs]class DataSetLoader: """Interface for all DataSetLoaders. """
[docs] def load(self, path): """Load data from a given file. :param str path: file path :return: a DataSet object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert(self, data): """Optional operation to build a DataSet. :param data: inner data structure (user-defined) to represent the data. :return: a DataSet object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NativeDataSetLoader(DataSetLoader): """A simple example of DataSetLoader """ def __init__(self): super(NativeDataSetLoader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, path): ds = DataSet.read_csv(path, headers=("raw_sentence", "label"), sep="\t") ds.set_input("raw_sentence") ds.set_target("label") return ds
DataLoaderRegister.set_reader(NativeDataSetLoader, 'read_naive')
[docs]class RawDataSetLoader(DataSetLoader): """A simple example of raw data reader """ def __init__(self): super(RawDataSetLoader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path, split=None): with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = lines if split is None else [l.split(split) for l in lines] lines = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, lines)) return self.convert(lines)
[docs] def convert(self, data): return convert_seq_dataset(data)
DataLoaderRegister.set_reader(RawDataSetLoader, 'read_rawdata')
[docs]class DummyPOSReader(DataSetLoader): """A simple reader for a dummy POS tagging dataset. In these datasets, each line are divided by "\t". The first Col is the vocabulary and the second Col is the label. Different sentence are divided by an empty line. E.g:: Tom label1 and label2 Jerry label1 . label3 (separated by an empty line) Hello label4 world label5 ! label3 In this example, there are two sentences "Tom and Jerry ." and "Hello world !". Each word has its own label. """ def __init__(self): super(DummyPOSReader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path): """ :return data: three-level list Example:: [ [ [word_11, word_12, ...], [label_1, label_1, ...] ], [ [word_21, word_22, ...], [label_2, label_1, ...] ], ... ] """ with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() data = self.parse(lines) return self.convert(data)
@staticmethod def parse(lines): data = [] sentence = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 1: sentence.append(line.split('\t')) else: words = [] labels = [] for tokens in sentence: words.append(tokens[0]) labels.append(tokens[1]) data.append([words, labels]) sentence = [] if len(sentence) != 0: words = [] labels = [] for tokens in sentence: words.append(tokens[0]) labels.append(tokens[1]) data.append([words, labels]) return data
[docs] def convert(self, data): """Convert lists of strings into Instances with Fields. """ return convert_seq2seq_dataset(data)
DataLoaderRegister.set_reader(DummyPOSReader, 'read_pos')
[docs]class DummyCWSReader(DataSetLoader): """Load pku dataset for Chinese word segmentation. """ def __init__(self): super(DummyCWSReader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path, max_seq_len=32): """Load pku dataset for Chinese word segmentation. CWS (Chinese Word Segmentation) pku training dataset format: 1. Each line is a sentence. 2. Each word in a sentence is separated by space. This function convert the pku dataset into three-level lists with labels <BMES>. B: beginning of a word M: middle of a word E: ending of a word S: single character :param str data_path: path to the data set. :param max_seq_len: int, the maximum length of a sequence. If a sequence is longer than it, split it into several sequences. :return: three-level lists """ assert isinstance(max_seq_len, int) and max_seq_len > 0 with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: sentences = f.readlines() data = [] for sent in sentences: tokens = sent.strip().split() words = [] labels = [] for token in tokens: if len(token) == 1: words.append(token) labels.append("S") else: words.append(token[0]) labels.append("B") for idx in range(1, len(token) - 1): words.append(token[idx]) labels.append("M") words.append(token[-1]) labels.append("E") num_samples = len(words) // max_seq_len if len(words) % max_seq_len != 0: num_samples += 1 for sample_idx in range(num_samples): start = sample_idx * max_seq_len end = (sample_idx + 1) * max_seq_len seq_words = words[start:end] seq_labels = labels[start:end] data.append([seq_words, seq_labels]) return self.convert(data)
[docs] def convert(self, data): return convert_seq2seq_dataset(data)
[docs]class DummyClassificationReader(DataSetLoader): """Loader for a dummy classification data set""" def __init__(self): super(DummyClassificationReader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path): assert os.path.exists(data_path) with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() data = self.parse(lines) return self.convert(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(lines): """每行第一个token是标签,其余是字/词;由空格分隔。 :param lines: lines from dataset :return: list(list(list())): the three level of lists are words, sentence, and dataset """ dataset = list() for line in lines: line = line.strip().split() label = line[0] words = line[1:] if len(words) <= 1: continue sentence = [words, label] dataset.append(sentence) return dataset
[docs] def convert(self, data): return convert_seq2tag_dataset(data)
[docs]class ConllLoader(DataSetLoader): """loader for conll format files""" def __init__(self): super(ConllLoader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path): with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() data = self.parse(lines) return self.convert(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(lines): """ :param list lines: a list containing all lines in a conll file. :return: a 3D list """ sentences = list() tokens = list() for line in lines: if line[0] == "#": # skip the comments continue if line == "\n": sentences.append(tokens) tokens = [] continue tokens.append(line.split()) return sentences
[docs] def convert(self, data): pass
[docs]class DummyLMReader(DataSetLoader): """A Dummy Language Model Dataset Reader """ def __init__(self): super(DummyLMReader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, data_path): if not os.path.exists(data_path): raise FileNotFoundError("file {} not found.".format(data_path)) with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf=8") as f: text = " ".join(f.readlines()) tokens = text.strip().split() data = self.sentence_cut(tokens) return self.convert(data)
def sentence_cut(self, tokens, sentence_length=15): start_idx = 0 data_set = [] for idx in range(len(tokens) // sentence_length): x = tokens[start_idx * idx: start_idx * idx + sentence_length] y = tokens[start_idx * idx + 1: start_idx * idx + sentence_length + 1] if start_idx * idx + sentence_length + 1 >= len(tokens): # ad hoc y.extend(["<unk>"]) data_set.append([x, y]) return data_set
[docs] def convert(self, data): pass
[docs]class PeopleDailyCorpusLoader(DataSetLoader): """人民日报数据集 """ def __init__(self): super(PeopleDailyCorpusLoader, self).__init__() self.pos = True self.ner = True
[docs] def load(self, data_path, pos=True, ner=True): """ :param str data_path: 数据路径 :param bool pos: 是否使用词性标签 :param bool ner: 是否使用命名实体标签 :return: a DataSet object """ self.pos, self.ner = pos, ner with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: sents = f.readlines() examples = [] for sent in sents: if len(sent) <= 2: continue inside_ne = False sent_pos_tag = [] sent_words = [] sent_ner = [] words = sent.strip().split()[1:] for word in words: if "[" in word and "]" in word: ner_tag = "U" print(word) elif "[" in word: inside_ne = True ner_tag = "B" word = word[1:] elif "]" in word: ner_tag = "L" word = word[:word.index("]")] if inside_ne is True: inside_ne = False else: raise RuntimeError("only ] appears!") else: if inside_ne is True: ner_tag = "I" else: ner_tag = "O" tmp = word.split("/") token, pos = tmp[0], tmp[1] sent_ner.append(ner_tag) sent_pos_tag.append(pos) sent_words.append(token) example = [sent_words] if self.pos is True: example.append(sent_pos_tag) if self.ner is True: example.append(sent_ner) examples.append(example) return self.convert(examples)
[docs] def convert(self, data): data_set = DataSet() for item in data: sent_words = item[0] if self.pos is True and self.ner is True: instance = Instance(words=sent_words, pos_tags=item[1], ner=item[2]) elif self.pos is True: instance = Instance(words=sent_words, pos_tags=item[1]) elif self.ner is True: instance = Instance(words=sent_words, ner=item[1]) else: instance = Instance(words=sent_words) data_set.append(instance) data_set.apply(lambda ins: len(ins["words"]), new_field_name="seq_len") return data_set
[docs]class Conll2003Loader(DataSetLoader): """Loader for conll2003 dataset More information about the given dataset cound be found on """ def __init__(self): super(Conll2003Loader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, dataset_path): with open(dataset_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() parsed_data = [] sentence = [] tokens = [] for line in lines: if '-DOCSTART- -X- -X- O' in line or line == '\n': if sentence != []: parsed_data.append((sentence, tokens)) sentence = [] tokens = [] continue temp = line.strip().split(" ") sentence.append(temp[0]) tokens.append(temp[1:4]) return self.convert(parsed_data)
[docs] def convert(self, parsed_data): dataset = DataSet() for sample in parsed_data: label0_list = list(map( lambda labels: labels[0], sample[1])) label1_list = list(map( lambda labels: labels[1], sample[1])) label2_list = list(map( lambda labels: labels[2], sample[1])) dataset.append(Instance(tokens=sample[0], pos=label0_list, chucks=label1_list, ner=label2_list)) return dataset
[docs]class SNLIDataSetReader(DataSetLoader): """A data set loader for SNLI data set. """ def __init__(self): super(SNLIDataSetReader, self).__init__()
[docs] def load(self, path_list): """ :param list path_list: A list of file name, in the order of premise file, hypothesis file, and label file. :return: A DataSet object. """ assert len(path_list) == 3 line_set = [] for file in path_list: if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError("file {} NOT found".format(file)) with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() line_set.append(lines) premise_lines, hypothesis_lines, label_lines = line_set assert len(premise_lines) == len(hypothesis_lines) and len(premise_lines) == len(label_lines) data_set = [] for premise, hypothesis, label in zip(premise_lines, hypothesis_lines, label_lines): p = premise.strip().split() h = hypothesis.strip().split() l = label.strip() data_set.append([p, h, l]) return self.convert(data_set)
[docs] def convert(self, data): """Convert a 3D list to a DataSet object. :param data: A 3D tensor. Example:: [ [ [premise_word_11, premise_word_12, ...], [hypothesis_word_11, hypothesis_word_12, ...], [label_1] ], [ [premise_word_21, premise_word_22, ...], [hypothesis_word_21, hypothesis_word_22, ...], [label_2] ], ... ] :return: A DataSet object. """ data_set = DataSet() for example in data: p, h, l = example # list, list, str instance = Instance() instance.add_field("premise", p) instance.add_field("hypothesis", h) instance.add_field("truth", l) data_set.append(instance) data_set.apply(lambda ins: len(ins["premise"]), new_field_name="premise_len") data_set.apply(lambda ins: len(ins["hypothesis"]), new_field_name="hypothesis_len") data_set.set_input("premise", "hypothesis", "premise_len", "hypothesis_len") data_set.set_target("truth") return data_set
class ConllCWSReader(object): def __init__(self): pass def load(self, path, cut_long_sent=False): """ 返回的DataSet只包含raw_sentence这个field,内容为str。 假定了输入为conll的格式,以空行隔开两个句子,每行共7列,即 :: 1 编者按 编者按 NN O 11 nmod:topic 2 : : PU O 11 punct 3 7月 7月 NT DATE 4 compound:nn 4 12日 12日 NT DATE 11 nmod:tmod 5 , , PU O 11 punct 1 这 这 DT O 3 det 2 款 款 M O 1 mark:clf 3 飞行 飞行 NN O 8 nsubj 4 从 从 P O 5 case 5 外型 外型 NN O 8 nmod:prep """ datalist = [] with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: sample = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('\n'): datalist.append(sample) sample = [] elif line.startswith('#'): continue else: sample.append(line.strip().split()) if len(sample) > 0: datalist.append(sample) ds = DataSet() for sample in datalist: # print(sample) res = self.get_char_lst(sample) if res is None: continue line = ' '.join(res) if cut_long_sent: sents = cut_long_sentence(line) else: sents = [line] for raw_sentence in sents: ds.append(Instance(raw_sentence=raw_sentence)) return ds def get_char_lst(self, sample): if len(sample) == 0: return None text = [] for w in sample: t1, t2, t3, t4 = w[1], w[3], w[6], w[7] if t3 == '_': return None text.append(t1) return text
[docs]class NaiveCWSReader(DataSetLoader): """ 这个reader假设了分词数据集为以下形式, 即已经用空格分割好内容了 例如:: 这是 fastNLP , 一个 非常 good 的 包 . 或者,即每个part后面还有一个pos tag 例如:: 也/D 在/P 團員/Na 之中/Ng ,/COMMACATEGORY """ def __init__(self, in_word_splitter=None): super(NaiveCWSReader, self).__init__() self.in_word_splitter = in_word_splitter
[docs] def load(self, filepath, in_word_splitter=None, cut_long_sent=False): """ 允许使用的情况有(默认以\t或空格作为seg) 这是 fastNLP , 一个 非常 good 的 包 . 也/D 在/P 團員/Na 之中/Ng ,/COMMACATEGORY 如果splitter不为None则认为是第二种情况, 且我们会按splitter分割"也/D", 然后取第一部分. 例如"也/D".split('/')[0] :param filepath: :param in_word_splitter: :param cut_long_sent: :return: """ if in_word_splitter == None: in_word_splitter = self.in_word_splitter dataset = DataSet() with open(filepath, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line.replace(' ', '')) == 0: # 不能接受空行 continue if not in_word_splitter is None: words = [] for part in line.split(): word = part.split(in_word_splitter)[0] words.append(word) line = ' '.join(words) if cut_long_sent: sents = cut_long_sentence(line) else: sents = [line] for sent in sents: instance = Instance(raw_sentence=sent) dataset.append(instance) return dataset
[docs]def cut_long_sentence(sent, max_sample_length=200): """ 将长于max_sample_length的sentence截成多段,只会在有空格的地方发生截断。所以截取的句子可能长于或者短于max_sample_length :param sent: str. :param max_sample_length: int. :return: list of str. """ sent_no_space = sent.replace(' ', '') cutted_sentence = [] if len(sent_no_space) > max_sample_length: parts = sent.strip().split() new_line = '' length = 0 for part in parts: length += len(part) new_line += part + ' ' if length > max_sample_length: new_line = new_line[:-1] cutted_sentence.append(new_line) length = 0 new_line = '' if new_line != '': cutted_sentence.append(new_line[:-1]) else: cutted_sentence.append(sent) return cutted_sentence
[docs]class ZhConllPOSReader(object): """读取中文Conll格式。返回“字级别”的标签,使用BMES记号扩展原来的词级别标签。 """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def load(self, path): """ 返回的DataSet, 包含以下的field words:list of str, tag: list of str, 被加入了BMES tag, 比如原来的序列为['VP', 'NN', 'NN', ..],会被认为是["S-VP", "B-NN", "M-NN",..] 假定了输入为conll的格式,以空行隔开两个句子,每行共7列,即 :: 1 编者按 编者按 NN O 11 nmod:topic 2 : : PU O 11 punct 3 7月 7月 NT DATE 4 compound:nn 4 12日 12日 NT DATE 11 nmod:tmod 5 , , PU O 11 punct 1 这 这 DT O 3 det 2 款 款 M O 1 mark:clf 3 飞行 飞行 NN O 8 nsubj 4 从 从 P O 5 case 5 外型 外型 NN O 8 nmod:prep """ datalist = [] with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: sample = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('\n'): datalist.append(sample) sample = [] elif line.startswith('#'): continue else: sample.append(line.split('\t')) if len(sample) > 0: datalist.append(sample) ds = DataSet() for sample in datalist: # print(sample) res = self.get_one(sample) if res is None: continue char_seq = [] pos_seq = [] for word, tag in zip(res[0], res[1]): char_seq.extend(list(word)) if len(word) == 1: pos_seq.append('S-{}'.format(tag)) elif len(word) > 1: pos_seq.append('B-{}'.format(tag)) for _ in range(len(word) - 2): pos_seq.append('M-{}'.format(tag)) pos_seq.append('E-{}'.format(tag)) else: raise ValueError("Zero length of word detected.") ds.append(Instance(words=char_seq, tag=pos_seq)) return ds
def get_one(self, sample): if len(sample) == 0: return None text = [] pos_tags = [] for w in sample: t1, t2, t3, t4 = w[1], w[3], w[6], w[7] if t3 == '_': return None text.append(t1) pos_tags.append(t2) return text, pos_tags
[docs]class ConllxDataLoader(object): """返回“词级别”的标签信息,包括词、词性、(句法)头依赖、(句法)边标签。跟``ZhConllPOSReader``完全不同。 """ def load(self, path): datalist = [] with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: sample = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('\n'): datalist.append(sample) sample = [] elif line.startswith('#'): continue else: sample.append(line.split('\t')) if len(sample) > 0: datalist.append(sample) data = [self.get_one(sample) for sample in datalist] data_list = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, data)) ds = DataSet() for example in data_list: ds.append(Instance(words=example[0], pos_tags=example[1], heads=example[2], labels=example[3])) return ds def get_one(self, sample): sample = list(map(list, zip(*sample))) if len(sample) == 0: return None for w in sample[7]: if w == '_': print('Error Sample {}'.format(sample)) return None # return word_seq, pos_seq, head_seq, head_tag_seq return sample[1], sample[3], list(map(int, sample[6])), sample[7]
[docs]def add_seg_tag(data): """ :param data: list of ([word], [pos], [heads], [head_tags]) :return: list of ([word], [pos]) """ _processed = [] for word_list, pos_list, _, _ in data: new_sample = [] for word, pos in zip(word_list, pos_list): if len(word) == 1: new_sample.append((word, 'S-' + pos)) else: new_sample.append((word[0], 'B-' + pos)) for c in word[1:-1]: new_sample.append((c, 'M-' + pos)) new_sample.append((word[-1], 'E-' + pos)) _processed.append(list(map(list, zip(*new_sample)))) return _processed