Source code for

import configparser
import json
import os

from import BaseLoader

[docs]class ConfigLoader(BaseLoader): """Loader for configuration. :param str data_path: path to the config """ def __init__(self, data_path=None): super(ConfigLoader, self).__init__() if data_path is not None: self.config = self.parse(super(ConfigLoader, self).load(data_path)) @staticmethod def parse(string): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def load_config(file_path, sections): """Load section(s) of configuration into the ``sections`` provided. No returns. :param str file_path: the path of config file :param dict sections: the dict of ``{section_name(string): ConfigSection object}`` Example:: test_args = ConfigSection() ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config("./data_for_tests/config", {"POS_test": test_args}) """ assert isinstance(sections, dict) cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise FileNotFoundError("config file {} not found. ".format(file_path)) for s in sections: attr_list = [i for i in sections[s].__dict__.keys() if not callable(getattr(sections[s], i)) and not i.startswith("__")] if s not in cfg: print('section %s not found in config file' % (s)) continue gen_sec = cfg[s] for attr in gen_sec.keys(): try: val = json.loads(gen_sec[attr]) # print(s, attr, val, type(val)) if attr in attr_list: assert type(val) == type(getattr(sections[s], attr)), \ 'type not match, except %s but got %s' % \ (type(getattr(sections[s], attr)), type(val)) """ if attr in attr_list then check its type and update its value. else add a new attr in sections[s] """ setattr(sections[s], attr, val) except Exception as e: print("cannot load attribute %s in section %s" % (attr, s)) pass
[docs]class ConfigSection(object): """ConfigSection is the data structure storing all key-value pairs in one section in a config file. """ def __init__(self): super(ConfigSection, self).__init__() def __getitem__(self, key): """ :param key: str, the name of the attribute :return attr: the value of this attribute if key not in self.__dict__.keys(): return self[key] else: raise AttributeError """ if key in self.__dict__.keys(): return getattr(self, key) raise AttributeError("do NOT have attribute %s" % key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ :param key: str, the name of the attribute :param value: the value of this attribute if key not in self.__dict__.keys(): self[key] will be added else: self[key] will be updated """ if key in self.__dict__.keys(): if not isinstance(value, type(getattr(self, key))): raise AttributeError("attr %s except %s but got %s" % (key, str(type(getattr(self, key))), str(type(value)))) setattr(self, key, value) def __contains__(self, item): """ :param item: The key of item. :return: True if the key in self.__dict__.keys() else False. """ return item in self.__dict__.keys() def __eq__(self, other): """Overwrite the == operator :param other: Another ConfigSection() object which to be compared. :return: True if value of each key in each ConfigSection() object are equal to the other, else False. """ for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k not in other.__dict__.keys(): return False if getattr(self, k) != getattr(self, k): return False for k in other.__dict__.keys(): if k not in self.__dict__.keys(): return False if getattr(self, k) != getattr(self, k): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): """Overwrite the != operator :param other: :return: """ return not self.__eq__(other) @property def data(self): return self.__dict__
[docs]class ConfigSaver(object): """ConfigSaver is used to save config file and solve related conflicts. :param str file_path: path to the config file """ def __init__(self, file_path): self.file_path = file_path if not os.path.exists(self.file_path): raise FileNotFoundError("file {} NOT found!".__format__(self.file_path)) def _get_section(self, sect_name): """This is the function to get the section with the section name. :param sect_name: The name of section what wants to load. :return: The section. """ sect = ConfigSection() ConfigLoader().load_config(self.file_path, {sect_name: sect}) return sect def _read_section(self): """This is the function to read sections from the config file. :return: sect_list, sect_key_list sect_list: A list of ConfigSection(). sect_key_list: A list of names in sect_list. """ sect_name = None sect_list = {} sect_key_list = [] single_section = {} single_section_key = [] with open(self.file_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']\n'): if sect_name is None: pass else: sect_list[sect_name] = single_section, single_section_key single_section = {} single_section_key = [] sect_key_list.append(sect_name) sect_name = line[1: -2] continue if line.startswith('#'): single_section[line] = '#' single_section_key.append(line) continue if line.startswith('\n'): single_section_key.append('\n') continue if '=' not in line: raise RuntimeError("can NOT load config file {}".__format__(self.file_path)) key = line.split('=', maxsplit=1)[0].strip() value = line.split('=', maxsplit=1)[1].strip() + '\n' single_section[key] = value single_section_key.append(key) if sect_name is not None: sect_list[sect_name] = single_section, single_section_key sect_key_list.append(sect_name) return sect_list, sect_key_list def _write_section(self, sect_list, sect_key_list): """This is the function to write config file with section list and name list. :param sect_list: A list of ConfigSection() need to be writen into file. :param sect_key_list: A list of name of sect_list. :return: """ with open(self.file_path, 'w') as f: for sect_key in sect_key_list: single_section, single_section_key = sect_list[sect_key] f.write('[' + sect_key + ']\n') for key in single_section_key: if key == '\n': f.write('\n') continue if single_section[key] == '#': f.write(key) continue f.write(key + ' = ' + single_section[key]) f.write('\n')
[docs] def save_config_file(self, section_name, section): """This is the function to be called to change the config file with a single section and its name. :param str section_name: The name of section what needs to be changed and saved. :param ConfigSection section: The section with key and value what needs to be changed and saved. """ section_file = self._get_section(section_name) if len(section_file.__dict__.keys()) == 0: # the section not in the file before # append this section to config file with open(self.file_path, 'a') as f: f.write('[' + section_name + ']\n') for k in section.__dict__.keys(): f.write(k + ' = ') if isinstance(section[k], str): f.write('\"' + str(section[k]) + '\"\n\n') else: f.write(str(section[k]) + '\n\n') else: # the section exists change_file = False for k in section.__dict__.keys(): if k not in section_file: # find a new key in this section change_file = True break if section_file[k] != section[k]: change_file = True break if not change_file: return sect_list, sect_key_list = self._read_section() if section_name not in sect_key_list: raise AttributeError() sect, sect_key = sect_list[section_name] for k in section.__dict__.keys(): if k not in sect_key: if sect_key[-1] != '\n': sect_key.append('\n') sect_key.append(k) sect[k] = str(section[k]) if isinstance(section[k], str): sect[k] = "\"" + sect[k] + "\"" sect[k] = sect[k] + "\n" sect_list[section_name] = sect, sect_key self._write_section(sect_list, sect_key_list)