Source code for fastNLP.models.sequence_modeling

import torch

from fastNLP.models.base_model import BaseModel
from fastNLP.modules import decoder, encoder
from fastNLP.modules.decoder.CRF import allowed_transitions
from fastNLP.modules.utils import seq_mask

[docs]class SeqLabeling(BaseModel): """ PyTorch Network for sequence labeling """ def __init__(self, args): super(SeqLabeling, self).__init__() vocab_size = args["vocab_size"] word_emb_dim = args["word_emb_dim"] hidden_dim = args["rnn_hidden_units"] num_classes = args["num_classes"] self.Embedding = encoder.embedding.Embedding(vocab_size, word_emb_dim) self.Rnn = encoder.lstm.LSTM(word_emb_dim, hidden_dim) self.Linear = encoder.linear.Linear(hidden_dim, num_classes) self.Crf = decoder.CRF.ConditionalRandomField(num_classes) self.mask = None
[docs] def forward(self, word_seq, word_seq_origin_len, truth=None): """ :param word_seq: LongTensor, [batch_size, mex_len] :param word_seq_origin_len: LongTensor, [batch_size,], the origin lengths of the sequences. :param truth: LongTensor, [batch_size, max_len] :return y: If truth is None, return list of [decode path(list)]. Used in testing and predicting. If truth is not None, return loss, a scalar. Used in training. """ assert word_seq.shape[0] == word_seq_origin_len.shape[0] if truth is not None: assert truth.shape == word_seq.shape self.mask = self.make_mask(word_seq, word_seq_origin_len) x = self.Embedding(word_seq) # [batch_size, max_len, word_emb_dim] x = self.Rnn(x) # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size * direction] x = self.Linear(x) # [batch_size, max_len, num_classes] return {"loss": self._internal_loss(x, truth) if truth is not None else None, "predict": self.decode(x)}
[docs] def loss(self, x, y): """ Since the loss has been computed in forward(), this function simply returns x.""" return x
def _internal_loss(self, x, y): """ Negative log likelihood loss. :param x: Tensor, [batch_size, max_len, tag_size] :param y: Tensor, [batch_size, max_len] :return loss: a scalar Tensor """ x = x.float() y = y.long() assert x.shape[:2] == y.shape assert y.shape == self.mask.shape total_loss = self.Crf(x, y, self.mask) return torch.mean(total_loss) def make_mask(self, x, seq_len): batch_size, max_len = x.size(0), x.size(1) mask = seq_mask(seq_len, max_len) mask = mask.view(batch_size, max_len) mask = return mask
[docs] def decode(self, x, pad=True): """ :param x: FloatTensor, [batch_size, max_len, tag_size] :param pad: pad the output sequence to equal lengths :return prediction: list of [decode path(list)] """ max_len = x.shape[1] tag_seq = self.Crf.viterbi_decode(x, self.mask) # pad prediction to equal length if pad is True: for pred in tag_seq: if len(pred) < max_len: pred += [0] * (max_len - len(pred)) return tag_seq
[docs]class AdvSeqLabel(SeqLabeling): """ Advanced Sequence Labeling Model """ def __init__(self, args, emb=None, id2words=None): super(AdvSeqLabel, self).__init__(args) vocab_size = args["vocab_size"] word_emb_dim = args["word_emb_dim"] hidden_dim = args["rnn_hidden_units"] num_classes = args["num_classes"] dropout = args['dropout'] self.Embedding = encoder.embedding.Embedding(vocab_size, word_emb_dim, init_emb=emb) self.norm1 = torch.nn.LayerNorm(word_emb_dim) # self.Rnn = encoder.lstm.LSTM(word_emb_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers=2, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=True) self.Rnn = torch.nn.LSTM(input_size=word_emb_dim, hidden_size=hidden_dim, num_layers=2, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True) self.Linear1 = encoder.Linear(hidden_dim * 2, hidden_dim * 2 // 3) self.norm2 = torch.nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim * 2 // 3) # self.batch_norm = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim * 2 // 3) self.relu = torch.nn.LeakyReLU() self.drop = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout) self.Linear2 = encoder.Linear(hidden_dim * 2 // 3, num_classes) if id2words is None: self.Crf = decoder.CRF.ConditionalRandomField(num_classes, include_start_end_trans=False) else: self.Crf = decoder.CRF.ConditionalRandomField(num_classes, include_start_end_trans=False, allowed_transitions=allowed_transitions(id2words, encoding_type="bmes"))
[docs] def forward(self, word_seq, word_seq_origin_len, truth=None): """ :param word_seq: LongTensor, [batch_size, mex_len] :param word_seq_origin_len: LongTensor, [batch_size, ] :param truth: LongTensor, [batch_size, max_len] :return y: If truth is None, return list of [decode path(list)]. Used in testing and predicting. If truth is not None, return loss, a scalar. Used in training. """ word_seq = word_seq.long() word_seq_origin_len = word_seq_origin_len.long() self.mask = self.make_mask(word_seq, word_seq_origin_len) sent_len, idx_sort = torch.sort(word_seq_origin_len, descending=True) _, idx_unsort = torch.sort(idx_sort, descending=False) # word_seq_origin_len = word_seq_origin_len.long() truth = truth.long() if truth is not None else None batch_size = word_seq.size(0) max_len = word_seq.size(1) if next(self.parameters()).is_cuda: word_seq = word_seq.cuda() idx_sort = idx_sort.cuda() idx_unsort = idx_unsort.cuda() self.mask = self.mask.cuda() x = self.Embedding(word_seq) x = self.norm1(x) # [batch_size, max_len, word_emb_dim] sent_variable = x[idx_sort] sent_packed = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(sent_variable, sent_len, batch_first=True) x, _ = self.Rnn(sent_packed) # print(x) # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size * direction] sent_output = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(x, batch_first=True)[0] x = sent_output[idx_unsort] x = x.contiguous() # x = x.view(batch_size * max_len, -1) x = self.Linear1(x) # x = self.batch_norm(x) x = self.norm2(x) x = self.relu(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.Linear2(x) # x = x.view(batch_size, max_len, -1) # [batch_size, max_len, num_classes] # TODO seq_lens的key这样做不合理 return {"loss": self._internal_loss(x, truth) if truth is not None else None, "predict": self.decode(x), 'word_seq_origin_len': word_seq_origin_len}
def predict(self, **x): out = self.forward(**x) return {"predict": out["predict"]}
[docs] def loss(self, **kwargs): assert 'loss' in kwargs return kwargs['loss']
if __name__ == '__main__': args = { 'vocab_size': 20, 'word_emb_dim': 100, 'rnn_hidden_units': 100, 'num_classes': 10, } model = AdvSeqLabel(args) data = [] for i in range(20): word_seq = torch.randint(20, (15,)).long() word_seq_len = torch.LongTensor([15]) truth = torch.randint(10, (15,)).long() data.append((word_seq, word_seq_len, truth)) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) print(model) curidx = 0 for i in range(1000): endidx = min(len(data), curidx + 5) b_word, b_len, b_truth = [], [], [] for word_seq, word_seq_len, truth in data[curidx: endidx]: b_word.append(word_seq) b_len.append(word_seq_len) b_truth.append(truth) word_seq = torch.stack(b_word, dim=0) word_seq_len =, dim=0) truth = torch.stack(b_truth, dim=0) res = model(word_seq, word_seq_len, truth) loss = res['loss'] pred = res['predict'] print('loss: {} acc {}'.format(loss.item(), (( == truth).long().sum().float() / word_seq_len.sum().float()))) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() curidx = endidx if curidx == len(data): curidx = 0